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Introduction to Replica: A Guide to Our Datasets and Available Metrics
Introduction to Replica: A Guide to Our Datasets and Available Metrics

This article provides a detailed overview of Replica's datasets and output metrics.

Lauren Massey avatar
Written by Lauren Massey
Updated over 10 months ago

About Replica

Replica provides data about the built environment and how people interact with it. Our mission is to organize that information to make it accessible, valuable, and actionable.

We know that making decisions about the built environment involves confronting complex challenges that don’t have simple solutions. Too often, you’re expected to rely on data that’s out of date, incomplete, or both. Afterward, you don’t have the information you need to monitor the impacts of those decisions.

Replica exists to change that. We transform vast, disparate datasets into a holistic, up-to-date picture of what’s happening across mobility, land use, people, and economic activity. Our customers get unprecedented insights into a world that’s constantly changing.

A guide to our datasets and available metrics

Mobility Data

Seasonal, Disaggregate Trip Tables (output of "Places" data)


Complete trip tables, representing a typical weekday and weekend day in the modeled season; includes resident, worker, visitor, and commercial travel, all modes (including bike and pedestrian trips), trip characteristics, trip-taker characteristics (including telework behavior), and routing information (like roadways and transit routes used for each trip).

Trip data released each season match the population tables released from the same season, enabling cross-tabular analysis and specific cohort analysis.

Release cadence

Seasonal (e.g., Spring 2023)

Where to access this dataset in Replica

Derivative metrics from this dataset

All metrics represent a typical day (Thursday or Saturday) in a given season

  • Origin/Destination Flows (link to how-to)

    • O/D pairs

    • O/Ds by trip modes (i.e., commercial vehicle trips)

    • O/Ds by trip purpose

    • O/Ds by demographic characteristics

  • Mode-specific analyses (see how we define each mode here)

  • Vehicle Fuel Type (electric vehicles/EV analyses)

  • Trip purpose-specific analyses (see how we define trip purposes here)

    • Trip purpose split (link to how-to)

    • Trip patterns of trips made by one or some specific travel purposes (link to how-to)

      • Home

      • Work

      • Eat

      • Shop

      • Recreation

      • School

      • Errands/Maintenance

      • Commercial

      • Lodging

      • Region departure

      • Pass-through traffic

  • Pass-through travel (see the related how-to here)

  • VMT data (link to how-to)

    • Residential VMT

    • Network VMT

    • Roadway VMT

  • Corridor/roadway ("network link") patterns (link to how-to)

    • Average daily volumes

      • Overall daily volumes

      • Daily volumes by mode (private auto, commercial vehicle (freight), biking and walking, TNC, and more.

      • Daily volumes by trip distance

    • Corridor patterns/select link analyses (volumes, demographic characteristics of trip-takers traveling through corridor, mobility characteristics of trips traveling through corridor)

  • Transit patterns (link to how-to)

    • Transit share

    • Transit ridership totals

    • Transit ridership patterns (totals, demographic characteristics of riders, mobility characteristics of transit trips, submode breakdown, transit agency info, boarding information, and alighting information)

    • Custom tooling for transit data:

  • Trip start time and trip end time analyses

  • Trip distance and duration analyses

    • Example analyses include:

      • Identifying active transportation trip potential

      • Identifying long-distance private auto trips

Introductory documentation for this dataset

Technical documentation for this dataset

Weekly Mobility Data (output of "Trends" data)


Nationwide hourly origin-destination data for a typical weekday and weekend day with hourly breakdowns and mode breakdowns (including auto, transit, walking, and biking).

Nationwide residential VMT for a typical weekday and weekend day.

Release cadence


Where to access this dataset in Replica

Derivative metrics from this dataset

  • Trips by origins

    • Total trips

    • Mode split of trips

    • Trip start times

  • Trips by destinations

    • Total trips

    • Mode split of trips

    • Trip start times

  • Trips starting and ending in a given geo

    • Total trips

    • Mode split of trips

    • Trip start times

  • O/D pairs by trip origin

    • Total trips

    • Mode split of trips

    • Trip start times

  • O/D pairs by trip destination

    • Total trips

    • Mode split of trips

    • Trip start times

  • Residential VMT

Introductory documentation for this dataset

Technical documentation for this dataset

Traffic Data

Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)


The AADT table contains information about almost all major roads. For Functional Road Class (FRC) 1 and 2 roads, Replica also provides single-truck volume and combination truck volume [1].

Release cadence


Where to access this dataset in Replica

Derivative metrics from this dataset

  • AADT per network link

  • AADT for commercial vehicles per network link (also known as freight AADT or truck AADT)

    • AADT of single-unit trucks per network link for FRC 1 and 2 roads

    • AADT of combination trucks per network link for FRC 1 and 2 roads

Technical documentation for this dataset

Annual Hourly Auto Volume Profiles


This dataset contains information about the average auto volume per network link, provided in hourly buckets for a typical week. For Functional Road Classification (FRC) 1 and 2 roads, we also provide hourly volumes for single-unit and combination trucks. This data is available for 2021 and 2022, and is updated annually. Data is available for download in CSV, Shapefile, and Geojson format.

Release cadence


Where to access this dataset in Replica

Derivative metrics from this dataset

  • Annual hourly volumes for all vehicle trips for an average weekday or average weekend day

  • Annual hourly volumes for single-unit trucks for an average weekday or average weekend day

  • Annual hourly volumes for combination-unit trucks for an average weekday or average weekend day

Technical documentation for this dataset

Speeds Data


Replica provides two speed-related datasets on an annual cadence: free-flow speed per network link, and a quarter-hourly speed profile per network link.

The free-flow speed table contains information about annual average free-flow speeds per network link. Free-flow speed is defined as the 66th percentile speed during off-peak hours, meaning that 66% of vehicles are traveling at or below this speed on a given road segment during non-busy times.

The quarter-hourly speed profile table contains information about the average observed speed per network link, provided in quarter-hourly buckets for a typical week.

Release cadence


Where to access this dataset in Replica

Data Library (for download)

Derivative metrics from this dataset

  • Free-flow speed per network link

  • Quarter-hourly speed profiles per network link, by day of the week

Technical documentation for this dataset

Turning Movement Count (TMC) Data


Replica's TMC table contains information about motor vehicle trip counts at most signalized intersections nationwide for each day of the week, bucketed into 1-hour intervals.

Release cadence


Where to access this dataset in Replica

Derivative metrics from this dataset

  • TMCs per network link, broken down into 1-hour intervals

Technical documentation for this dataset

Demographic and Employment Data

Seasonal, Disaggregate Population Tables (output of "Places" data)


Complete population tables, including demographic and socio-economic detail, home and work location, teleworking information, level of education, and industry of employment.

Population data released each season match the trip tables released from the same season, enabling cross-tabular analysis and specific cohort analysis.

Release cadence

Seasonal (e.g., Spring 2023)

Where to access this dataset in Replica

Derivative metrics from this dataset

  • Residential analyses

    • Home locations

    • Work locations

    • School locations

    • Age

    • Income levels (poverty data)

    • Race and ethnicity

    • Household composition

    • Employment status

    • Industry of employment

    • Private auto ownership

    • Travel patterns

      • O/D patterns

      • Commute patterns

      • Corridor and transit patterns

      • Residential VMT (link to how-to)

  • Workforce analyses (Custom Tooling: Workforce Profile Report)

    • Work location

    • Home locations

    • Industry of employment

    • Telecommuting/work-from-home patterns (link to how-to)

    • Income levels

    • Travel patterns

      • O/D patterns

      • Commute patterns

      • Corridor and transit patterns

  • Demographics of trip types/trip patterns

Relevant how-to for demographic and employment analyses: How to View and Download Demographic and Employment Data in Replica

Introductory documentation for this dataset

Technical documentation for this dataset

Economic Activity Data

Weekly Consumer Spend Data (output of "Trends" data)


Nationwide weekly total consumer spend at the census tract level, by both merchant location and purchaser home location, across a number of categories including retail, grocery, and restaurant and bar; includes a breakdown of on- and off-line (e-commerce) spend.

Release cadence


Where to access this dataset in Replica

Derivative metrics from this dataset

  • Weekly spend by home location

    • Breakdown of online (e-commerce) and in-person spend

  • Weekly spend by merchant location

Introductory documentation for this dataset

Technical documentation for this dataset

Weekly Consumer Spend Origin Destination Flows (output of "Trends" data)


Nationwide flows at the county level, quantifying where purchasers who live in a given county spend, and the home location of those who purchase in a given county

Release cadence


Where to access this dataset in Replica

Derivative metrics from this dataset

  • Spend County-to-County Flows by Merchant Location (link to how-to)

  • Spend County-to-County Flows by Resident Location

Introductory documentation for this dataset

Technical documentation for this dataset

Built Environment Data

Land Use Data


Nationwide land use, including information about use type, built square footage, zoning, and residential units

Release cadence


Where to access this dataset in Replica

Derivative metrics from this dataset

  • Land Use by Land Area

  • Land Use by Building Area

  • Dwelling Units

Introductory documentation for this dataset

Technical documentation for this dataset

Reference Data

Census Geographies


The Census Geographies download contains the geographic layers used in our seasonal Places and weekly Trends datasets. The download also includes a crosswalk table with relationship mapping provided by the US Census Bureau that defines which census blocks are aggregated to create the other census geographies. For example, using this file you can determine which blocks were aggregated into which block groups, and in turn which block groups were aggregated into which census tracts, and so on for the other census geographies.

Release cadence

Currently based on 2010 census boundaries

Where to access this dataset in Replica

Introductory documentation for this dataset

Network Links


The network table contains the street and road segment records and the associated attributes used within a seasonal Places dataset. OpenStreetMap (OSM) is the originating source of the streets and roads data.

This table matches the route_ids released from the same season, enabling cross-tabular analysis and specific link-level analysis.

Release cadence


Where to access this dataset in Replica

Technical documentation for this dataset

Transit Routes


This download includes information on the transit routes for a given Places season. Each transit route includes a route ID which can be joined to the transit_route_ids available in the seasonal trip table.

Release cadence


Where to access this dataset in Replica

Introductory documentation for this dataset


We're developing a series of applications inspired by use cases or insights that our customers regularly use Replica data for. Applications are intended to these insights and analyses. These are available on the "Applications" page. If your organization does not have access to these applications, you can reach out directly to us through our in-app chat.

Transit Demand & Equity Scores


The demand and equity scores leverage Replica's seasonal Places data create meaningful insight into pressing questions facing transit planners.

Release cadence


Where to access this dataset in Replica

Introductory documentation for this dataset

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