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Video Tutorial Deep Dives
Video Tutorial Deep Dives
Deep Dive: Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) StudyIn this video, we demonstrate how to use Places to analyze the potential for transit-oriented development (TOD).
Deep Dive: Potential Ridership ProfileIn this video, we demonstrate how to analyze the ridership potential of a new transit service that is planned for implementation.
Deep Dive: Land Use AnalysisIn this video, we demonstrate how to leverage the land use data and map layer in a Places Study.
Deep Dive: Residential Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)In this video, we demonstrate how to leverage the residential VMT data and map layer in a Places Study.
Deep Dive: Telecommuting ProfileIn this video, we demonstrate how to analyze telecommuting behavior as well as the distribution of work trips for a study area.
Deep Dive: Transit Study - Serving the Transit-Dependent PopulationIn this video, we demonstrate how to use Places to analyze existing transit service for those who do not have access to a private auto.
Deep Dive: Ridership ProfileIn this video, we will explore creating a ridership profile for transit services.
Deep Dive: Identifying Active Transportation OpportunitiesIn this video, we analyze short distance private auto trips to see where there is potential to increase walking and biking trips.
Deep Dive: Origin/Destination Studies Using PlacesIn this video, we show you how to use Places to find out about movement between origins and destinations in a region.
Tips for Viewing Origin/Destination Data for Custom Geographies in PlacesIn this video, we demonstrate how to leverage a custom geography in Places to view origin/destination data.