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Video Tutorials
Learn more about Replica's capabilities through video tutorials with step-by-step instructions. Overviews familiarize users with the platform, Deep Dives review specific use cases, and Snippets show users how how to complete tasks in a few clicks.
Platform OverviewIn this video, we will provide an overview of Replica's platform components.
Navigating the Replica PlatformIn this tutorial, we demonstrate how to navigate the online Replica platform
Places Overview VideoAn overview of Replica Places: Detailed, activity-based travel models, region and time-specific.
Custom Geography Uploads Overview VideoIn this video, we'll provide an overview of how to upload and view a custom geography in Replica.
Deep Dive: Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) StudyIn this video, we demonstrate how to use Places to analyze the potential for transit-oriented development (TOD).
Deep Dive: Potential Ridership ProfileIn this video, we demonstrate how to analyze the ridership potential of a new transit service that is planned for implementation.
Deep Dive: Land Use AnalysisIn this video, we demonstrate how to leverage the land use data and map layer in a Places Study.
Deep Dive: Residential Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)In this video, we demonstrate how to leverage the residential VMT data and map layer in a Places Study.
Deep Dive: Telecommuting ProfileIn this video, we demonstrate how to analyze telecommuting behavior as well as the distribution of work trips for a study area.
Deep Dive: Transit Study - Serving the Transit-Dependent PopulationIn this video, we demonstrate how to use Places to analyze existing transit service for those who do not have access to a private auto.
Deep Dive: Ridership ProfileIn this video, we will explore creating a ridership profile for transit services.
Deep Dive: Identifying Active Transportation OpportunitiesIn this video, we analyze short distance private auto trips to see where there is potential to increase walking and biking trips.
Deep Dive: Origin/Destination Studies Using PlacesIn this video, we show you how to use Places to find out about movement between origins and destinations in a region.
Tips for Viewing Origin/Destination Data for Custom Geographies in PlacesIn this video, we demonstrate how to leverage a custom geography in Places to view origin/destination data.